(146e) Acoustic Induced Vibration in Temporary Piping for Super High-Pressure Steam System Cleaning | AIChE

(146e) Acoustic Induced Vibration in Temporary Piping for Super High-Pressure Steam System Cleaning


Hagberg, S., ExxonMobil Chemical
During the 2020 commissioning of a chemical plant in Gregory, Texas a reducer in the temporary pipe system downstream of a sacrificial valve developed a fatigue crack while steam blowing (cleaning) the super high pressure steam system. The investigation team identified the root cause as a combination of Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV) and Flow Induced Vibration (FIV) with additional findings that management of change (MOC) may have been insufficient. This paper discusses causes and effects of AIV and FIV, mitigations, and provides general guidance for future steam blows based on lessons learned.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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