(148e) Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Experience in the Ethylene Plant Turnaround | AIChE

(148e) Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials Experience in the Ethylene Plant Turnaround


Bergman, K. M., LyondellBasell Industries
Wilhelm, N., Lyondellbasell
A recent LyondellBasell turnaround observed an increase in NORM (Natural Occurring Radioactive Materials) findings in process equipment. NORM is a known health hazard due to low levels of radioactivity from the elements of natural origin. As the health and safety of our employees and contractors is a top priority of LyondellBasell, NORM is monitored closely when opening equipment. In addition to detailed upfront planning, proper measuring techniques are used to safely handle NORM and protect personnel. This paper will review the NORM history at the LyondellBasell gas cracker located in La Porte, Texas (U.S. Gulf Coast Area) and present the planning, findings and safe handling practices used during the turnaround.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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