(17a) Leveraging Data Driven Connected Worker Technologies to Empower Your Workforce and Drive Operational Excellence | AIChE

(17a) Leveraging Data Driven Connected Worker Technologies to Empower Your Workforce and Drive Operational Excellence


Westlake Vision of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing includes connecting data across systems and operations functions enabling data driven insights to enhance operational excellence that result in improvements to revenue, cost reduction, capital position, and sustainability. Integral to our Digital Transformation journey are digital technologies such as electronic rounds and augmented reality to connect field workers across our operations. Successful deployment depends on the business case showing economic value add, and overcoming the cultural barriers to adopting connected worker technology. We have taken a people-first approach to digital transformation and engage site participation in developing proof of concepts for our field workers. In collaboration with the sites we gathered their needs for a system architecture required to implement a data driven connected worker operating environment, and an implementation roadmap.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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