(92c) Hydrogen FUEL – a Friend to the Environment or a Foe to Human Lives? | AIChE

(92c) Hydrogen FUEL – a Friend to the Environment or a Foe to Human Lives?


Israni, K. - Presenter, Environmental Resources Management (ERM)
In today’s times, all industries are headed towards alternate energy sources, while contributing to their portion of caring for world climate changes in environment. The emphasis on Low Carbon emissions has been tremendous. One of these options is the emerging use of hydrogen as a source of fuel. The hydrogen molecule is nothing new to the process industry. It’s properties and applications have been in existence since its discovery back in 1766.

As environmental specialists would agree, while reviewing the energy value chain, hydrogen has tremendous advantages over other alternatives, by being a continuously available resource. Use of hydrogen as fuel generates ultra-low emissions and hence has earned the status of clean energy.

As process safety professionals, our focus is always around safe operations, and the emphasis on the value of human lives, so that all of us make it back to our loved ones safe and sound, every day. In light of this mission, the chemical element “hydrogen” does pose tremendous threats to human lives while its application as a fuel. There have been incidents ascertaining this threat, and also lessons learned.

This paper will discuss some current findings from incidents, and the author’s views on what should be this balance between environment and safety. This will incorporate the current regulatory stance on hydrogen safety, and how will that impact the balance between the environment and safety; while continuing the worldwide mission of low carbon, that in turn benefits climate change.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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