(98a) Introduction to Grid-Scale Battery Energy Storage System Concepts and Fire Hazards | AIChE

(98a) Introduction to Grid-Scale Battery Energy Storage System Concepts and Fire Hazards

As the world continues to enact progressive climate change targets, renewable energy solutions are needed to achieve these goals. One such solution is large-scale lithium ion energy storage systems which are at the forefront in ensuring solar and wind generated power are delivered when grids need it most. However, the perceived risk of lithium-ion batteries due to recent events in the USA and Australia pose a risk to their future success. When a battery energy storage system (BESS) has a multi-layered approach to safety, the thermal runaway, fire, and explosion hazards can be mitigated. But this requires cooperation, collaboration and education across all stakeholder groups to break down these preconceived notions.

The presentation will be two-fold, firstly presenting the basic terminology, build up, and operation of BESSs to explain the niche they fill within the electrical energy market and the drivers behind their installation, site selection, and growth. Secondly, focusing on the technical aspects of BESSs highlighting lessons learned from recent BESS fire and explosion events to inform safer design and operation.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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