INVITED: Energy Transition Roundtable with Energy Leaders | AIChE

INVITED: Energy Transition Roundtable with Energy Leaders


Sengupta, D., Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station


Sommer, V., Fluor
Ulas Acikgoz, S., Honeywell UOP

This session is setup for a roundtable introductory discussion on Energy Transition and present perspectives from the current industry, academic and governmental leaders. These will be in the format of 10 minute presentations to set the stage for discussions. Then, the entire audience is invited to participate in six breakout sessions that will discuss the following: Feedstock Expansion for Energy Transition New Technologies in Energy Transition Transportation considerations in Energy Transition Design for Energy Transition Modeling for Energy Transition Analysis for Energy Transition We hope to hear from leaders in the energy, fuels, and petrochemicals sector, engineers, researchers, and government labs to create a path forward for the above topics of interest. Please join us in providing your inputs and perspectives, that will be shared as a workshop proceeding with the AIChE F&PD and other organization wide initiatives on Energy Transition.



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