Using Credible Failure Rates for SIS Ensures Process Safety Panel | AIChE

Using Credible Failure Rates for SIS Ensures Process Safety Panel


Bukowski, J., Villanova University
Summers, A., SIS-TECH Solutions
Limaye, R., Praxair Inc.
Gutierrez, J., Bayer USA LLC


Summers, A., SIS-TECH Solutions

Many individual device failure rates published by manufacturers and certifying agencies are deemed, by members of this panel, many SIF designers, and practicing engineers in the field, to be too low.  This is especially true for mechanical final elements.  SIFs designed using these unrealistic failure rates often result in SIL levels on paper which would be achievable only under the most optimistic assumptions regarding installation, operation, and maintenance. These SIL levels are unlikely to be achieved in the field.  This panel discusses the underlying causes of this serious safety issue and proposes some possible solutions.



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