(106a) Build Your Dream Career – A Process Safety Nerd’s Guide | AIChE

(106a) Build Your Dream Career – A Process Safety Nerd’s Guide

Amanda Geither is a Process Safety Specialist at Dow with 10 years experience in the chemical industry. She completed six co-op terms with Dow at different facilities across the US, before starting her first full time position as a Production Engineer in Freeport, TX. Amanda discovered her love and passion for process safety early in her career, and she was determined to become a full time process safety professional. She developed a multi year strategy for how to achieve this, including creating specific process safety goals, networking with other process safety professionals, and securing a process safety mentor. Amanda was able to successfully influence her facility leadership who created a new dedicated process safety role in her facility, which she then assumed. Today, Amanda is living her dream career in process safety supporting Dow facilities globally.


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