(123b) Managing Contractors and Hot Work Activities at PSM Facilities Using Electronic Control of Work | AIChE

(123b) Managing Contractors and Hot Work Activities at PSM Facilities Using Electronic Control of Work


Juaire, M. - Presenter, VelocityEHS

Facilities that store threshold quantities of highly hazardous and flammable chemicals are subject to OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard, which brings many regulatory obligations intended to identify and control risks. While it’s not often discussed, management of hot work (involving electric or gas welding, torch cutting, brazing, etc.) is an important aspect of PSM compliance. In 1910.119(k), the PSM standard requires covered employers to manage hot work with permits that indicate the date(s) authorized for hot work, identify the assets and areas where hot work is to be performed, and maintain permits on file until completion of hot work operations. Failures to follow proper hot work procedures at PSM facilities can be catastrophic, as investigations by the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) show, including an ongoing investigation of a 2016 flash fire at a terminal facility that injured seven workers (three critically) during hot work activities.

The challenge is that many PSM facilities are very large, tend to have frequent hot work activities, and have many other high priority safety risks to manage, including oversight of contractors, some of whom perform hot work tasks. Hot work management is most effective when used in conjunction with contractor management and a robust inspections program, allowing for the ability to document and extract intelligence from workplace safety incidents and prioritize and manage follow-up actions.

This presentation will provide practical guidance about how leveraging a digital Permit to Work process within a Control of Work system can give you the visibility you need to effectively and efficiently manage hot work at PSM facilities, as well as the contractors that may carry out the work.

Attend our presentation to learn:

  • Requirements for management of hot work across several OSHA standards.
  • How to improve oversight of contractors and pre-qualification requirements.
  • Key CSB investigation findings in which hot work caused major facility accidents, and takeaways for better management of hot work.
  • How to prevent occupational injuries and interruptions to business continuity by managing hot work as part of a Control of Work program, alongside management of inspections, incident investigations and correct active actions.
  • How electronic Permit to Work software can help you improve visibility on authorization and status of hot work activity across your facility.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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