(124c) Fire Safety Design Philosophy (FSDP): Guideline for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries | AIChE

(124c) Fire Safety Design Philosophy (FSDP): Guideline for Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries

The employers or occupiers of high-risk industrial facilities are required to prepare and submit a Fire Safety Design Philosophy (FSDP) to Local Authority Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM). This document must be reviewed and endorsed based on fire and explosion risk assessment prior to the submission of architectural and M&E drawings.

The Fire and Rescue Department has found inconsistencies in the contents, fire protection requirements and quality of the reports submitted by high-risk industrial facilities such as Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Facilities. Reports insufficient information or supporting documents, and required a number of clarifications and follow-up before they were finally accepted as complete and satisfactory by Fire and Rescue Department.

With this new guideline, the owner and stakeholders of relevant installations and parties responsible for the preparation and review of the report will be aware of the requirements and will be able to produce a comprehensive report meeting the requirement of the Regulations and expectation of Fire and Rescue Department. This will also ensure consistency on the report contents and fire protection requirement, applying relevant Code and Standard across the industries.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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