(155b) A Refinery Perspective on Decarbonizing with Marine Biofuels | AIChE

(155b) A Refinery Perspective on Decarbonizing with Marine Biofuels


Carlson, N. - Presenter, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Talmadge, M., National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Tan, E., National Renewal Energy Lab
Newes, E., National Renewable Energy Laboratory
McCormick, R., National Renewable Energy Laboratory

This work seeks to understand what biofuel production pathways a refinery might prefer to produce very-low sulfur fuel oil (VLSFO) for marine applications. A comprehensive refinery optimization model was developed using AspenTech’s PIMS linear programming software. The model was configured to allow (1) direct blending of soy biodiesel, renewable diesel, Fisher-Tropsch diesel, and several pyrolysis oils and (2) indirect blending of all pyrolysis oils via co-processing in a fluidized catalytic cracker (FCC) and diesel hydrotreater into the marine fuel pool. Results showed preferred pathways to bio-VLSFO production included co-processing low-quality pyrolysis oil in an FCC to blend the resulting biogenic LCO, directly blending soy biodiesel, and directly blending small quantities of pyrolysis oil. Bio-VLSFO production costs were compared with those of fossil-VLSFO subject to different marine fuel demands, benchmark crude oil prices, and biogenic fractions in the finished product. Given benchmark crude oil prices over 60 $/Bbl, bio-VLSFO production appeared to be significantly cheaper than fossil-VLSFO. Corresponding marginal abatement costs of CO2 mostly ranging from -300 to 350 $/ton-CO2 were also determined using a simplified but novel approach to allow comparison with other decarbonization strategies. This work indicates that low-sulfur contents in biofuels, relatively relaxed specifications for marine fuels, and current difficulties in meeting VLSFO specifications with crude oils can combine to make bio-VLSFO production cost-effective. Moreover, marine fuels appear to be a good entry point for refiners to start decarbonizing with biofuel pathways that could eventually be extended to other product pools.