(197e) Pre-Investment in Ethylene Plant Design for Future Decarbonization | AIChE

(197e) Pre-Investment in Ethylene Plant Design for Future Decarbonization


O'Sullivan, M. - Presenter, Lummus Technology

Ethylene production generates more than 260 million metric tons of CO2 each year. As global ethylene demand and capacity continues to grow, decarbonization of this process will become critical to achieving emissions goals. While making this change is imperative, it may be a challenge to implement today based on the uncertainty or nonexistence of carbon tax credits. This presentation will review Lummus’ Carbon Capture Ready Design, which can be applied to a grassroots cracker today for decarbonization of the future. This concept considers certain pre-investment steps to minimize CO2 generation during current operation by minimizing fuel firing and maximizing electrification by means such as combustion air preheating and Lummus’ Hybrid and Electric Heaters (SRT-h/SRT-e). The Carbon Capture Ready Design also considers pre-investment to easily facilitate the implementation of carbon capture in the future. This paper will review the economic and emissions impact of the Carbon Capture Ready Design on current operation without carbon capture and future operation with carbon capture.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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