(39a) Safe Design Consideration for Power-to-X and Carbon Capture Processes | AIChE

(39a) Safe Design Consideration for Power-to-X and Carbon Capture Processes


Aldeeb, A. - Presenter, Siemens Energy, Inc.
Jamshidi, P., Siemens Energy

Power-to-X and carbon capture processes require special considerations to ensure the safe design and assets integrity. This work examines the fundamental safe design aspects of eFuel and hydrogen production processes that are integrated with carbon capture process. The study reflects on eFuel technologies, emphasizing hydrogen and carbon capture, followed by a discussion of key components in eFuel facilities that are subject to safe design considerations. The review encompasses equipment design, materials, safety, and environmental impact, leveraging industry best practices.

The methodology involves evaluating existing eFuel facilities to ensure compliance with safety regulations and sustainability goals. Maintenance and inspection protocols are examined to ensure long-term reliability and safety. This study benefits eFuel producers, policymakers, and researchers in advancing sustainable energy technologies and understanding asset design integrity in emerging green industries.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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