(55g) Securing Owner/Operator Interest in Fast Track Project PHAs | AIChE

(55g) Securing Owner/Operator Interest in Fast Track Project PHAs

Modern capital projects implement PHAs (HAZOP + LOPA + SIL assessment = PHA) as a milestone precursor to design activities to manage project risk. To achieve fast-track schedules, the PHAs are being pushed earlier in the project schedule. Many owner/operators are beginning to accept the design phase PHA as the baseline PHA for regulatory purposes. To meet Process Safety Management (PSM) objectives, the owner must establish strict requirements for PHA execution and ensure that the concerns raised in the PHA are effectively addressed by the project. This paper will review some techniques the owner/operator should consider for securing effective PHA execution, ensure the process risk is accurately profiled, and appropriate IPLs are identified and implemented into the design.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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