(62b) Dynamic Process Safety Barriers Management: Challenges in the Governance of the Dynamic Monitoring Process in a Petrobras Business Unit. | AIChE

(62b) Dynamic Process Safety Barriers Management: Challenges in the Governance of the Dynamic Monitoring Process in a Petrobras Business Unit.


Dantas, A., Petrobras
Cruz, A. L. C., Petrobras
Santos, E. S. Sr., Petrobras
Moco, L. M., Petrobras
Franca, A. B., Petrobras
Lira, A. T. M., Petrobras
Oliveira, H. L., PETROBRAS - Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.

Dynamic Barrier Management (DBM) allows you to monitor the integrity of preventive and mitigating process safety barriers in an industrial installation.

This integrated and dynamic monitoring of information from various existing and mature systems and processes makes it possible to support the decisions of the installation's risk manager.

Since 2019, Petrobras has been carrying out actions to enable the implementation of Dynamic Management of Process Safety Barriers in its industrial facilities, as presented in previous works [DANTAS, A. R. Et al.:”Dynamic Process Safety Barriers Management at Petrobras”, 18 Th GCPS - San Antonio - TX – EUA. 2022. FIGUEIRA, L. H. et al.: “Process Safety at Offshore Aerodromes (Helideck) –New Application for Process Safety”, 15Th GCPS – New Orleans – EUA. 2019. FIGUEIRA, L. H. et al.:” Barrier Management, An Application for Events not related to loss of containment”, 17Th GCPS – Evento Virtual, Houston – EUA. 2021.]

The Campos Basin Business Unit (UN-BC) defined 7 (seven) offshore platforms for implementation of the process. The challenge presented in this article is related to the implementation of a management process that monitors existing processes with the respective responsibilities and associated change management.

Dynamic Barrier Management allows you to revisit existing processes, contributing to a recurring PDCA of these primary processes and the DBM itself.

The RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed) matrices of the implementation and monitoring phases and respective standards are presented, highlighting the responsibilities of the "owners of each barrier" and their relationships with the various existing processes.

The current governance of the primary processes is not changed, but the governance of the DBM process is defined, allowing this new process to be included to support the industrial installation's risk manager.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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