(63b) Explosion Protection Methods: A Deep Dive | AIChE

(63b) Explosion Protection Methods: A Deep Dive

Current NFPA standards for managing combustible dust hazards require equipment with an explosion hazard to be protected from the effects of a deflagration. These protections include deflagration venting in accordance with NFPA 68 or oxidant concentration reduction, deflagration pressure containment, or deflagration suppression system via NFPA 69, or dilution with a noncombustible dust. For existing systems, it makes sense to choose the simplest and most cost-effective option based on the inherent design and risk of the operation. Implementation of any one of these protection methods requires an understanding of the method and all the associated requirements. While the basic requirements are often straightforward, the associated requirements are less understood. In this paper, the author will share the basics of the requirements and take a deep dive into the associated requirements of each method of protection. Common misunderstandings will be highlighted from the author’s experience helping companies evaluate the effectiveness of implementation of these protections. For example, the margin of safety to apply and the information required to be developed and documented for oxidant concentration reduction systems will be presented.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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