(65c) Enhancing PHA Facilitation through the Elicit-Provide-Elicit Method: A Novel Approach Inspired By Motivational Interviewing | AIChE

(65c) Enhancing PHA Facilitation through the Elicit-Provide-Elicit Method: A Novel Approach Inspired By Motivational Interviewing

Effective facilitation of PHA studies requires not only technical expertise but also skilled communication; however, conventional PHA facilitation training has largely overlooked the teaching of communication methods. This paper presents a novel approach to bridge this gap, integrating the Elicit-Provide-Elicit (EPE) method from Motivational Interviewing into PHA facilitation.

The EPE method, a central technique in Motivational Interviewing, fosters engagement and collaboration by eliciting an individual's understanding, providing tailored information, and subsequently eliciting their response. Adapting this method to PHA facilitation offers a promising way to enhance team dynamics, critical thinking, and engagement.

The paper outlines the fundamental principles of PHA facilitation, the EPE method, and the noteworthy absence of communication techniques in traditional PHA training. It then provides a detailed methodology for incorporating the EPE technique into PHA facilitation, supported by theoretical frameworks and practical guidelines. By combining motivational psychology with process safety, this paper offers fresh insights into PHA facilitation and contributes to a more participative and effective hazard analysis process. It calls attention to a significant gap in current practice and paves the way for a more holistic approach to risk management.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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