(85c) Ensuring Success in the Process Hazard Analysis: The Imperative of Accurate and Accessible Process Safety Information | AIChE

(85c) Ensuring Success in the Process Hazard Analysis: The Imperative of Accurate and Accessible Process Safety Information


McVey, M. - Presenter, Risk Management Professionals

In the realm of process safety, the vital role of accurate and accessible process safety information (PSI) cannot be overstated. The efficacy of Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) studies, a cornerstone of process safety, hinges upon the quality and availability of PSI. These analyses are essential for identifying and mitigating risks in complex industrial processes as it provides a tool used to critically analyze a process to determine whether the associated risk is acceptable based upon the Company’s risk tolerance.

To appropriately identify and assess the hazards associated with a process, it is important that the correct Process Safety Information (PSI) is available during the study. The information required can vary in detail depending on the complexity of the process being analyzed, equipment and hazardous materials involved within the process, the project phase at the time of analysis, the methodology used for the analysis, amongst other factors. For instance, conducting a LOPA analysis on a process that is close to start-up would require more detailed PSI like relief valve sizing, process safety time verification, independence checks, etc., while a what-if analysis performed earlier in a project timeline to identify high level hazards would not require the same detailed information. This paper will explore what information, along with the level of detail, a PHA team should have available to have an effective study based upon the study type (project phase or revalidation) and will recommend appropriate methodologies to be used based on the information available during each project phase for the most value add.

Additionally, it will present an overview of the types of PSI and how this information is used in a PHA, providing specific examples. A scenario will be presented, and a mock analysis will be performed based upon inaccurate and varying levels of PSI (resulting in assumptions being made) to illustrate how different hazards may be identified, and as a result, how different recommended mitigations may be produced. The intent is to demonstrate how studies can suffer if the proper PSI is not available or inaccurate, and how misrepresentation of risk may occur.

This paper will provide readers with valuable insights into the direct relationship between PSI quality and PHA success, and will touch upon the broader implications for industry safety, compliance, and overall operational resilience.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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