(89c) Innovative, Non-Proprietary Condition Monitoring and Analytics Solution for Specific Reciprocating Compressor Asset Reliability Requirements | AIChE

(89c) Innovative, Non-Proprietary Condition Monitoring and Analytics Solution for Specific Reciprocating Compressor Asset Reliability Requirements


Fregosi, A., Cornerstone Chemical Company
Hastings, M., B&K Vibro

Reciprocating compressors play a critical role in a number of industries, but require more maintenance than a comparable turbo-compressor. An effective condition monitoring and diagnostics strategy therefore plays an extremely important role for reducing downtime and life cycle costs of these machines while increasing reliability, safety, integrity and efficiency. There are a number of monitoring techniques that are available for detecting wear, component failure, leaks and other faults in reciprocating compressors that have been developed over the years. This case study presents an innovative method for implementing some of these techniques in an enterprise-wide data historian for optimizing the monitoring strategy.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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