Ethylene Plant Maintenance & Reliability | AIChE

Ethylene Plant Maintenance & Reliability


Garza, T., Nighthawk


The Maintenance & Reliability Session covers numerous topics which includes remaining life approach of radiant coils based upon material degradation, innovative robotic inspection to improve the integrity of furnace tubes for ethylene steam-crackers as well as, real time measurements of tube metal temperatures of radiant coils for extending coil life, ensuring complete decoking, and improving furnace reliability. Additionally, an engineered innovative approach in an insulation lining system application of vacuum formed ceramic fiber shapes for convections sections, advances in the operation of Pressure Swing Absorbers by implementing an inspection program (i.e., combination of laser scanning, finite element analysis, and fracture mechanics), and thermal fatigue failures observed in 304H stainless steel crossover piping of the ethylene furnaces.



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