Refining Hydrogen VCE Modeling Approaches
Center for Hydrogen Safety Conference Europe
2023 Center for Hydrogen Safety Europe Conference
General Submissions
Hydrogen Safety in Production and Process Industries II
Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 3:25pm to 3:40pm
BakerRisk performed a series of very lean hydrogen-air vapor cloud explosion (VCE) tests as part of an internal research effort. The goal of these tests was to better understand the VCE hazards associated with very lean hydrogen-air mixtures (â¤14% H2). Flame speeds and blast loads were measured using high speed video and an array of dynamic pressure transducers. This paper discusses the test setup and test results, including a comparison with data from prior congested tests. The measured flame speeds are compared to those predicted using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis and referenced to deflagration-to-detonation (DDT) criteria. Discussion regarding the application of these test results and uncongested turbulent jet test results to facility siting studies is also provided.