Synthetic Carbon Dioxide Assimilation in Yeast for Autotrophic Growth
International Conference on Plant Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering
4th International Conference on Plant Synthetic Biology, Bioengineering, and Biotechnology
General Submissions
Redesigning Photosynthesis
Saturday, October 31, 2020 - 11:40am to 12:05pm
Global warming, caused by rapidly increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, calls for novel measures to sequester CO2. Assimilation of CO2 into biomass and bulk chemicals is an attractive option. Besides the use of photosynthesizing organisms, synthetic biology offers the change to develop strains for a novel CO2 based biotechnology. The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris is widely used in the manufacture of industrial enzymes and pharmaceuticals. Like most biotechnological production hosts, P. pastoris is heterotrophic, growing on organic feedstocks. By addition of eight heterologous genes and deletion of three native genes, we engineered the peroxisomal methanol-assimilation pathway of P. pastoris into a CO2 fixation pathway resembling the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle, the predominant natural CO2 fixation pathway. Due to the modular metabolic design which separates carbon assimilation from energy production, any NADH yielding energy source can be used. At present methanol oxidation is employed. The resulting strain can grow continuously with CO2 as a sole carbon source at a µmax of 0.008 h-1. The specific growth rate was further improved to 0.018 h-1 by adaptive laboratory evolution. Mutations in evolved strains point at the balancing of CBB cycle reactions and NADH supply as critical steps for efficient growth. This engineered P. pastoris strain may promote sustainability by sequestering the greenhouse gas CO2 and by avoiding consumption of an organic feedstock with alternative uses in food production.