Controlling Second Phase Fall-out from a Homogeneous Mixing Process | AIChE

Controlling Second Phase Fall-out from a Homogeneous Mixing Process


Basgall, L. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company

In the production of a critical intermediate, a hydrophobic diluent and an amphiphilic active species are mixed, causing an immiscible second phase to fall out of solution. Critical to product quality, the intermediate must be a clear solution free of second phase material. Scaled-down lab work was completed to optimize the mixing and separation process and identify the amount and character of the second phase. As expected, mixing intensity and order of addition played an important role in separability of the second phase. Unexpectedly, ingress of a small amount of water was also shown to be critical to final product quality. This knowledge was key to explain past observations in production, and the potential of a reappearing second phase if the process is mishandled.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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