Converting Refinery Assets for Production of Renewable Diesel and Jet Fuel | AIChE

Converting Refinery Assets for Production of Renewable Diesel and Jet Fuel


Ali, S. O. - Presenter, Honeywell UOP
Sustainable technology solutions have become an integral part of road and aviation transport fuels. With Honeywell UOP’s EcofiningTM Technology, the production of 100% renewable diesel and jet fuel is possible. UOP has more than 20 years of combined commercial operating experience in producing renewable fuels from variety of feedstocks. The Ecofining process offers several advantages both in form of feed flexibility, product characteristics and compatibility with existing infrastructure.

UOP will present Ecofining Technology benefits, challenges, and various factors to be considered for design of the renewable diesel or jet production. UOP has done multiple projects for various customers to convert existing Distillate Hydrotreating Unit to Ecofining unit to process 100% renewables feedstock. This presentation will review revamp project details and challenges related to modifying existing equipment with minimal changes while targeting lowest project cost. This discussion will demonstrate effective utilization of existing hardware for maximum benefit to process renewables feedstocks. The case study will demonstrate the engineering challenges and the path forward.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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