How to Conduct a Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) | AIChE

How to Conduct a Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA)


Edwards, V. - Presenter, VHE Technical Analysis
White, J. D., JD White Engineering, LLC
As extreme weather events increase in frequency and severity, the potential impact on safe and reliable operation of process plants should be evaluated. An effective site-wide response plan can be created by conducting a Climate Risk Vulnerability Assessment (CRVA) as an add-on to PHA or as a standalone study. This paper presents the systematic tool of a CRVA, which evaluates vulnerability by reviewing climate forecasts and plant components and systems, to identify a set of hazards which have the potential to impact process plants during extreme weather events. Leveraging existing process safety information and existing engineering studies will be shared as a means to optimize efficiency. Historical basis of climate change events is covered in a previous paper.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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