April 2012 | AIChE

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April 2012

Safety Organizations & Collaborators

CCPS collaborates with other safety-focused organizations who provide content and resources for the process safety professional.

Process Safety FAQs

What is Process Safety? What is the Difference Between Process Safety, and Chemical Safety? What is the Origin of Process Safety? And more...


CCPS Office Locations and Contacts

Process Safety Beacon

The CCPS Process Safety Beacon is a resource aimed at delivering process safety messages to plant operators and other manufacturing personnel. Each issue presents a real-life accident, and describes the lessons learned and practical means to prevent a similar accident in your plant. With an estimated distribution of around a million, the Beacon is CCPS’ most widely read publication.

2013 Annual Meeting Dates Have Changed

May 24, 2012
The 2013 Annual Meeting will take place in San Francisco, CA from November 3-8 at the San Francisco Hilton.

AIChE's ScaleUp Roster Expands with Addition of Bayer and AspenTech

May 17, 2012
ScaleUp, AIChE's program to enrich the next generation of chemical engineers, has added two new companies to its sponsors: Bayer & AspenTech.

Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award

May 10, 2012
Nominations are being accepted for the Separations Division's Graduate Student Research Award.

Biotechnology Progress Seeks Nominations for Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication

May 5, 2012
The journal of the Society for Biological Engineering, Biotechnology Progress, is accepting nominations for its Award for Excellence in Biological Engineering Publication.
