October 2012 | AIChE

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October 2012

Automation and Control of Drug-On-Demand Technology

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
Stimulated by initiatives such as PAT and QbD, the pharmaceutical industry has been focusing on the development of innovative, efficient...

Techno-Economic Assessment of Membrane Reactor Technologies for Pure Hydrogen Production for Fuel Cell Vehicle Fleets

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
In the context of a desirable ‘carbon neutral’ energy economy, among the most promising solutions for replacing today’s GHG emitting vehicles is the...

Dynamic Modeling of Detachment, Transport, and Flow of Slag in an Entrained-Flow Gasifier

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
Dynamic Modeling of Detachment, Transport, and Flow of Slag in an Entrained-Flow Gasifier Pratik Pednekar, PhD Student, West Virginia University...

In-Situ Investigation of Vanadium Ions Transport in Redox Flow Battery

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
In-Situ Investigation of Vanadium Ions Transport in Redox Flow Battery Qingtao Luo, 1 Liyu Li, 2 Zimin Nie, 1 Wei Wang, 1 Xiaoliang Wei, 1 Feng Chen...

Co-Pyrolysis of Low Rank Coals and Biomass At Transport Gasifier Conditions

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
Given the EPA’s proposed rules on limiting CO 2 emissions from new coal power plants to match those of natural gas, blending of carbon-neutral...

One-Stage Process for Water Gas Shift in a Pd-Based Membrane Reactor

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
The water gas shift (WGS) reaction is the upgrading stage in the cycles of hydrogen production by, for example, steam reforming of light hydrocarbons...

Modeling Phase Separating Materials in Porous Electrodes Using Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics

Conference Presentation
AIChE Annual Meeting
October 31, 2012
Phase separating materials are prevalent in lithium-ion batteries. Commercial lithium-ion battery anodes typically consist of graphite, a material...
