“Meeting Current Challenges in Therapeutic Protein Technical Development” is the theme of SBE's 3rd International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development & Quality by Design in Biologics (QbD).
A novel drug delivery technique has nanoparticles thumbing for a ride aboard red blood cells. This promising work comes from researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, who presented their findings at the 2012 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh.
The AIChE Midwest Regional Conference (MRC) provides an opportunity for engineers and scientists in the region to learn about new technologies and network with others in the field.
ICBE brings together researchers who are using quantitative approaches to advance the understanding and application of molecular biology. Call for papers ends November 12!
This is the webcast of a half-day FABIG Technical Meeting. Presentations will take place between 13.30pm (UK time) and 16.50pm (UK time) on June 26, 2014