May 2014 | AIChE

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May 2014

Process Integration & Optimization Using Dynamic Systems Models

Archived Webinar
Tuesday, January 14, 2014,
11:00am to 12:00pm
The webinar is from modeling and optimization experts at Idaho National Laboratory, Humberto Garcia and Richard Boardman. Their work has focused on topics ranging from biofuels to hybrid nuclear...

Richard Boardman

Dr. Richard Boardman oversees the INL Clean Energy Platform for Integrated Energy Systems development. His staff develops computational tools and test facilities supporting the design, assessment, integration, optimization, and control of industry-scale hybrid energy systems. Hybrid energy systems operate in a closely-coupled, dynamic manner to enhance the systems technical, economic, and environmental performance. Boardman is also responsible for coordination of DOE Laboratories, government, universities, regional stakeholders, and industry for this...Read more

Humberto Garcia

Humberto Garcia received a doctorate degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with a minor in Mechanical Engineering, from PennState. He worked for Argonne National Laboratory before joining the Idaho National Laboratory. As the group lead for dynamic systems integration, optimization, and resilient controls, he leads the development and use of systems theories and applications, including physical systems modeling, simulation, control, optimization, and integration; dynamic hybrid energy systems; resilient and predictive monitoring and controls for cyber-physical systems; anomaly...Read more

Dominique Hebrault

With a background in synthetic chemistry and chemical engineering, Dr. Dom Hebrault worked for 12+ years in chemical development in the pharmaceutical industry. He built his experience around the development and scale-up of safe, green, and reliable multi-step synthesis of fine chemicals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. As a result of the acquired practical experience in real time spectroscopy and process safety evaluation, Dom started at Mettler Toledo nine years ago as Technology Consultant, and then became Principal Technologist. He's been invited to speak at ≥ 20...Read more

New Interface Developments with the AMPL Modeling Language & System

Archived Webinar
Tuesday, January 28, 2014,
11:00am to 12:00pm
A modeling language provides a powerful yet convenient interface to number-crunching "solvers" of large-scale optimization problems. But what is the interface to the modeling language? It...

Robert Fourer

Robert Fourer's career has been devoted to the theory and practice of optimization, going back to the 1970s when he worked at the National Bureau of Economic Research and studied Operations Research at Stanford University.  He was a member of the Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences faculty at Northwestern University for over three decades, during which  time  he  participated  in  the  invention  of  the  AMPL  modeling  language  while  on sabbatical at Bell Laboratories.  In 2002 he co-founded...Read more

Stochastic Optimal Control for Gas Networks

Archived Webinar
Tuesday, January 21, 2014,
11:00am to 12:00pm
We present a stochastic optimal control model to optimize gas network inventories in the face of system uncertainties. The model captures detailed network dynamics and operational constraints and...
