The World Café will focus on the global grand challenge of energy, water and food. The session aims to build awareness of the challenge and highlight the roles chemical engineering expertise can play in addressing these global issues. Join the discussion at the event or online.
New York's transit system is using CellCube because it provides hours of long-duration power, setting it apart from the lithium-ion batteries of Solar City.
As a founder and CEO, Christophe Schilling has led Genomatica from a developer of metabolic engineering tools to a position of leadership in biotech...
A web video is a video that is hosted on Youtube that you'd like to feature in your site. To create a web video, click on Post Content and then Web Video. Complete Fields Title - This appears at the top of the page and on the list page Body - This is where you add a paragraph of copy describing the video Video Shoot Date - This is the date the video was shot. If you don't know this date, you can select today's date. Click off Show End Date as only one date is needed. Video Url - This is the place where you would paste the Youtube video url. Note: make sure Youtube is selected as...
Dennis Baranik (COO) and Dr. Heather Byrne (Research Director) of Carbonxt, a startup producer of advanced activated carbons for environmental separations discussed the innovation, leadership, and passion required to start a technical enterprise. The talk will include whether entrepreneurship is right for you, how to get started, and avoiding common pitfalls of entrepreneurship.
The Gary Leach award was awarded to the initial leadership Team of the Virtual Local Section. Watch a video of the Gary Leach Award presentation.
Congratulations to Dan Lambert, Amanda Robben, Neil Yeoman, Laura Gimpelson, Dave Eckhardt, Bill Doumas, George Huttick, Noah Meeks, Kathy Harris, and Gwen Higgins.