January 2016 | AIChE

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January 2016

2016 Q1 Meeting - Canton Brew Works Tour and Social

Tuesday, February 2, 2016,
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Join us for our first meeting of 2016 at the Canton Brew Works. We will discuss 2016 goals of the Detroit LS and the vision for the future. Cost: $10 per person (RSVP and pay cash/check at the door OR use payment link below) Small group brewery tours available during eventRead more

Conference Organizers

Chairs Akihiko Kondo, Kobe University, Japan Hiroshi Shimizu, Osaka University, Japan Co-Chairs Mark Burk, Genomatica, USA George Chen, Tsinghua University, China Ryan Gill, University of Colorado, USA Wataru Mizunashi, Mitsubishi Chemical Group, Japan Christoph Wittman, Saarland University,...
