September 2018 | AIChE

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September 2018

Matt Carr

Matthew Carr, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Algae Biomass Organization. He has deep experience in helping biotechnology companies and the overall industry navigate the complex policy arenas at the state and federal level.Prior to his leadership role at ABO, Matt worked for the Biotechnology Industry Organization, the world’s largest trade association representing biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the US and more than 30 other nations.He was the Director of Policy, Industrial and Environmental Section, for...Read more

Mark Mimee

Mark Mimee PhD is a Group Leader in the Lu Lab, which is affiliated with the Biological Engineering Department, the Research Laboratory of Electronics, and the Synthetic Biology Center at MIT. He obtained his B.Sc. in Microbiology & Immunology at McGill University and completed his PhD under the supervision of Timothy K. Lu in the Microbiology Program at MIT, during which, he was an HHMI International Student Fellow as well as a Qualcomm Innovation Fellow. His research focuses on developing fundamental technologies to facilitate microbiome engineering. These strategies include using...Read more
