July 2019 | AIChE

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July 2019

2019 NSF Grant Application

The Society for Biological Engineering is proud to announce several funding opportunities from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to partially support students and post doc attendance to several upcoming conferences. You are required to submit a quality abstract of your research (Poster or Oral) to apply for support. Additionally, please provide a short justification regarding your merits and reasons to receive support. The resulting survey will be reviewed by a selecting committee. All data collected will remain confidential.

Trevor Brown

Trevor Brown is the Executive Director of the Ammonia Energy Association and chair of the Topical Conference on Ammonia Energy at the AIChE Annual Meeting. In 2013, he established AmmoniaIndustry.com, a website that provides data, news, and analysis, which initially focused on the ammonia capacity expansions taking place in North America and now also tracks the industry’s transition to sustainable technologies. In 2016, he launched Ammonia­Energy.org, the global information portal for ammonia as an energy vector.Read more

Chris LaFleur, P.E.

Chris LaFleur, P.E., is the program lead for Hydrogen Safety, Codes, and Standards at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, where she is responsible for the fire risk program activities and conducting research on the fire risks of emerging energy technologies. Before joining Sandia, she worked at General Motors and Parsons Engineering Science. She has represented the U.S. in the development of hydrogen codes and standards for maritime applications and serves as a member of the sprinkler discharge criteria committee of NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, and NFPA 2,...Read more

Project 294: Managing Cybersecurity – A Risk Based Approach Building on the Process Safety Framework

This project will produce a concept book that describes the case for the application of cyber security principals for process safety. Chemical manufacturing relies on a number of Safety, Controls, Alarms, and Interlocks (SCAI) to manage process hazards. A cyber-attack can compromise one or more of these protection layers causing an incident while simultaneously defeating protective and mitigative measures.

Josh Eichman

Josh Eichman, PhD, has more than a decade of research experience in the energy system modeling and analytics area. His interests focus on optimizing the use of current and emerging energy technologies to support renewable electricity and gas grids. In his current role at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, he is exploring planning and operation of grid systems, techno­economic valuation and integration of renewable generation, energy storage, demand response, and electric transportation into the electricity and natural gas networks. Prior to his position at NREL, he participated in...Read more
