Topic: Lifecycle of safety instrumented systems (1 PDH) Have you ever wondered what goes into defining and managing safety instrumented systems (SIS)? Then this presentation is for you. Join us for a guided tour of the SIS lifecycle and learn how it connects to PHAs, mechanical integrity, pre-...Read more
Presentation Abstract Analytical Tools to Better Manage PFAS in the Environment. The occurrence and management of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the environment have been topics of...
Speaker: Jeffrey Seay, P.E., PhD, Professor of Chemical Engineering and the PJC Board of Trustees Engineering Professor, University of Kentucky Presentation Abstract: Current Challenges in Global...
Use these three key steps to ensure a focused and successful job search.
Three chemical engineers describe their experiences pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and give advice for those considering returning to school for an MBA.
When pondering what to do with your chemical engineering degree, consider law. Many engineering skills prove valuable in a legal career as well.
Angel investors drive industry innovation and enjoy collaborating with start-up founders and fellow investors. Angel groups make it easy to get started and can increase financial returns while reducing risk.
Knowing how to select and work with consultants is an important skill. This article provides valuable insights from an experienced consultant about the process of obtaining consulting services.