March 2023 | AIChE

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March 2023

Newsletters: March 2023

This is the Peru local section Newsletter. Downloads here!

Alberto Baiardi

Dr. Alberto Baiardi is a Research Scientist in the Quantum Computational Science research group at IBM Research Zurich.Alberto holds a PhD in Theoretical Chemistry from the Scuola Normale Superiore.

Currently, his main research interests revolve around the development of quantum-computing algorithms for natural-science simulations. Previously, Alberto has been an ETH postdoctoral fellow working on the development of tensor network-based algorithms for molecular quantum dynamics simulations....Read more

Bioengineering at #AIChEAnnual

The 2023 AIChE Annual Meeting features plenty of exciting bioengineering content!

Hydrogen Summit

Thanks for stopping by the Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS) booth! View the CHS Booth video . Why join CHS? CHS membership is comprised of more than 100 companies, organizations, laboratories, universities and government entities from around the globe. Becoming a member of CHS demonstrates your...

Award for Excellence in Chemical Engineering Teaching Practice


A plaque and honorarium.

DeadlineJune 1, 2025
AdministratorsEducation Division (EdDiv)
PresentationThe award is presented at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
Nomination Instructions

The nomination, including 1. Division award nomination form, 2. Current resume or curriculum vitae, and 3. a minimum of two and no more than 4 supporting letters. A single pdf file should be submitted to the current awards committee Chair, Ben Davis.

There should be a clear statement and documentation of the impact of the nominee's work on the field, and an award citation of 25 words or less, beginning with the word "For". Self-nominations are discouraged. Re-nomination of candidates is encouraged.

Recognizes an individual who demonstrates effective teaching practices which may include classroom teaching, community outreach, student support, inclusive strategies, mentoring of students and faculty, and/or dissemination of evidence-based techniques.

2024 AIChE Board Election

Board of Directors voting dates and deadlines: AIChE’s Nominating Committee has announced the slate of candidates for president-elect, secretary, and four director positions for the 2025 AIChE Board. The president-elect will be elected to a three-year term, serving one year each as president-elect...

Farshid Guilak

Dr. Farshid Guilak is the Mildred B. Simon Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University, Director of Research for the St. Louis Shriners Hospitals for Children, and co-director of the Washington University Center of Regenerative Medicine.  He also has appointments in the Departments of Developmental Biology and Biomedical Engineering.  He received BS and MS degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a second master’s degree and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University.

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