June 2023 | AIChE

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June 2023

Novartis to buy, merge Chinook with subsidiary

Chinook Therapeutics will be acquired by Novartis in a deal valued at up to $3.5 billion that will involve the merger of Chin - More -

Slashing Scope 3 emissions a challenge in chemicals

Dow, Braskem Idesa and other chemical companies are working to reduce all emissions, including Scope 3 ones, but making progr - More -

Mark S. Vreeke, PhD

Dr. Vreeke has had a successful career translating innovation from the bench into commercial products.  He is a coinventor on over 100 US patents.  These patents were realized in products with combined revenues exceeding $20B USD, were used for over 20B diagnostic measurements and have impacted millions of patient lives.

Dr. Vreeke is currently the President of the Chemical Angel Network, VP of R&D at myBiometry and Managing Member of TransAtlantic Science LLC.  The Chemical Angel Network invests in early-stage hard science companies that converge with the...Read more

The STS Nominating Committee is seeking volunteers for officers

If you are interested in learning about responsibilities of our 2024 officer positions, please reach out to Julie D. White, STS Past Chair ( sts-pastchair@aiche.org ) and Nominating Committee Chair. The 2024 offices open for election will be Chair-Elect, Secretary, Position 2 (Outreach; for ChE...
