September 2023 | AIChE

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September 2023

Tom Treynor

Tom Treynor is the co-founder and CEO of R2DIO Inc., the co-designer of its software platform for streamlining data acquisition and utilization, and the creator of its team-building workshop on "How to Do In-Spec R&D". While Director of Test Operations at Zymergen, Tom's team of Fermentation Engineers, Analytical Chemists and High-Throughput Screeners crafted some of the world’s most accurate bio-assays. As both a Principal Quality Engineer and Protein Engineer at Amyris, Tom made distinctive contributions to the development of its anti-malarial, fuels, polymers and F&F products....Read more

Lakeita D. Servance

As a first-generation college student, Lakeita attended the University of South Carolina where she received her bachelor's degree in Psychology.  She went on to receive her master's degree in Education from Columbia College and is currently pursuing her Doctoral Degree in Education at the University of North Georgia. For the past ten years, Lakeita has had the opportunity to play a key role in shaping the future of tomorrow’s leaders through Project ENGAGES, a program that introduces high school juniors and seniors from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds to research in Georgia...Read more

Hamideh Parhiz

Hamideh Parhiz, PharmD, Ph.D. is a Research Assistant Professor in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania where she leads the targeted LNP delivery program. Her expertise is developing novel nucleic acid delivery systems including a new generation of targeted LNP-mRNA therapeutics for a variety of non-vaccine applications such as blood gene disorders, cancer, fibrosis, and acute inflammatory conditions. Hamideh’s work has resulted in the publication of more than 40 papers including two papers in Science magazine and several patents. Her...Read more

Mr. Mouli Ramani

Mouli Ramani serves as the Président et Directeur-Général/ President and CEO of 

Aviwell SAS, a biotech company headquartered in Toulouse, France and with offices in Boston, USA operating at the intersection of life and data sciences. The company is based on 30 years of pioneering University research in glycemic control in the gut-brain axis, intestinal microbiota, and deep insights into relational databases and hybrid AI/ML techniques as applied to the agrifood industry. Aviwell’s mission is to develop natural and sustainable solutions to improve animal health to better...Read more

2024 Center for Hydrogen Safety Americas Conference

May 21, 2024 to May 23, 2024
Presented by the Center for Hydrogen Safety, this conference will bring together attendees from academia, industry, and government to discuss applied hydrogen safety topics, provide space for collaboration, and to give opportunity for your questions. See the 2024 Technical Program including the...

Bioplastic (A Non Polluting Plastic)

This module introduces students from Class 9th to 12th about the concept of Bioplastics. These are an alternative to traditional plastics. Firstly, bioplastics are considered to be generated from sustainable sources and secondly, they break down naturally, thus avoiding the damaging effect of disposal of plastics. Student will be able to make their own bioplastic which is economical and environment friendly in nature.

Module Topics 

Biological Engineering
Bioproducts and Renewable Sources
Module details
TopicsBiological Engineering, Bioproducts and Renewable Sources
Best-suited audienceArray
Approx. time requirement25 minutes
Approx. # of volunteers1
Recommended audience sizeAny size

Audience best suited for module 

Ninth Grade to Twelfth Grade (approximately ages 14-18)

Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate) 


Approximate time that the module requires (minutes) 


Approximate Budget 


Approximate Number of Volunteers 


Recommended Audience Size 

Any size