In this module, students act as textile engineers to decide which of three methods of dyeing they would choose for their manufacturing facility by investigating scientific and practical engineering considerations such as cost, amount of waste and color quantity and quality. While conducting samples of dyes that use food dye, hibiscus tea, and beets, students dive deeper into solid-liquid extraction by exploring the role of higher temperatures and table salt on the dyeing process.
Module Topics
Module details
Best-suited audience
Approx. time requirement
20 minutes
AIChE community affiliation
University of Florida Student AIChE Chapter
Approx. # of volunteers
Recommended audience size
Audience best suited for module
Ninth Grade to Twelfth Grade (approximately ages 14-18)
Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate)
Approximate time that the module requires (minutes)
Douglas Densmore is the Tegan Family Distinguished Faculty Fellow and Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University. His research focuses on the development of tools for the specification, design, assembly, and test of synthetic biological systems. His approaches draw upon his experience with embedded system-level design and electronic design automation (EDA). Extracting concepts and methodologies from these fields, he aims to raise the level of abstraction in synthetic biology by employing standardized biological part-based designs which leverage...Read more
Richard M. Murray received the B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from California Institute of Technology in 1985 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He is currently the Thomas E. and Doris Everhart Professor of Control & Dynamical Systems and Bioengineering at Caltech. Murray's research is in the application of feedback and control to networked systems, with applications in biology and autonomy. Current projects include analysis and...Read more
In this module, we walk students through the basics of reaction chemistry. Briefly, we will talk about elements, the periodic table, and how every reaction requires a driving force and the proper orientation to form a new product. We will then show kids some different examples of chemical reactions which utilize a common reactant but yield different products. This will lead to our overarching message that everything in this universe is made primarily of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, and hydrogen (even us!) which we think will get students to start to think about how much chemistry informs us...
Module Topics
Physical Chemistry
Module details
Physical Chemistry
Best-suited audience
Approx. time requirement
15 minutes
AIChE community affiliation
Northeastern University AIChE
Approx. # of volunteers
Recommended audience size
Audience best suited for module
Kindergarten to Second Grade (approximately ages 5-8)
Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate)
Approximate time that the module requires (minutes)
Learn about the complex science behind making ice cream in this video, and check out the accompanying lesson plan that was created for high school and college classrooms.
The purpose of this module is to learn about physical properties using candy making. In this module students will observe the changes in physical properties by using granulated sugar to make their own hard candy in the form of lollipops. These changes occur due to melting. We will also speak on how to prevent recrystallization in the candy making process.
Module Topics
Physical Chemistry
Module details
Physical Chemistry
Best-suited audience
Approx. time requirement
20 minutes
AIChE community affiliation
Manhattan College AIChE Student Chapter
Approx. # of volunteers
Recommended audience size
Any size
Audience best suited for module
Sixth Grade to Eighth Grade (approximately ages 11-14)
Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate)
Approximate time that the module requires (minutes)
The interactive portion of the module consists of two experiments, the "Can Crusher Experiment" and the "Water & Candles".
In the can crush experiment students will heat up an aluminum can with a little bit of water inside, the can can be filled by the observer. After some minutes, we drastically change its temperature by placing it in a bowl of cold water. The difference in temperature, hot and cold, will make the can implode immediately. Being such a visual representation of the interaction between pressure, volume and temperature, the observers will be asked to do...
Module Topics
Physical Chemistry
Module details
Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics
Best-suited audience
Approx. time requirement
15 minutes
AIChE community affiliation
Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico Student Chapter
Approx. # of volunteers
Recommended audience size
Any size
Audience best suited for module
Kindergarten to Second Grade (approximately ages 5-8)
Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate)
Approximate time that the module requires (minutes)
This module uses the follow-along storybook "Bernoulli's First Buoyancy" To introduce students to the basic concepts of buoyancy, density, mass, volume, and state changes. ...
Module Topics
Fluid Mechanics
Physical Chemistry
Module details
Fluid Mechanics, Physical Chemistry
Best-suited audience
Approx. time requirement
30 minutes
AIChE community affiliation
University of Utah Chemical Engineering Outreach
Approx. # of volunteers
Recommended audience size
Audience best suited for module
Kindergarten to Second Grade (approximately ages 5-8)
Is the module interactive ? (Can students actively participate)
Approximate time that the module requires (minutes)