Awards Provisions, Eligibility, & Nominations | Page 4 | AIChE

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Awards Provisions, Eligibility, & Nominations

Following are the provisions, eligibility requirements, and nomination instructions for AIChE Board of Directors Awards, Institute Awards, Division & Forum Awards, Committee Awards, and others.

Board of Directors and Institute Awards Provisions, Eligibility, and Nominations

  • AIChE Board of Directors' Awards are selected by the AIChE Board of Directors.
  • AIChE Institute Awards are selected by the Institute Awards Committee
  • Institute Awards are presented at the discretion of the Institute Awards Committee and Board of Directors' Awards at the discretion of the Board of Directors, but not more than once per year, unless otherwise stated.
  • A winner of an Institute or Board of Directors' Award cannot be a candidate for another Institute or Board of Directors' Award for four years after winning. A candidate can be considered for only one Institute or Board of Directors' Award in a given year.
  • Board members are not eligible to receive a Board or Institute Award while serving on the Board.
  • Members of the Institute Awards Committee are not eligible for an AIChE award selected by the Institute Awards Committee until at least one year after his/her service has terminated on that Committee.
  • Self-nominations and nominations by relatives are prohibited for any AIChE Awards and Prizes as the purpose of these Awards is peer recognition.
  • Explorer Members are not eligible for Board awards.
  • Board and Institute Awards will be presented at the Honors Ceremony of the AIChE Annual Meeting.
  • Board members may not submit nominations for Board or Institute Awards.
  • Members of the Institute Awards Committee may not submit nominations for Institute Awards.
  • Board members may not submit letters of support for Board or Institute Awards nominees.
  • Members of the Institute Awards Committee may not submit letters of support for Institute Awards
  • Award Recipients are required to complete and submit the Award Recipient Form, upon which the award is contingent.


All members of AIChE are encouraged to nominate deserving candidates.

Nominations are created and filed using an online platform: Hard-copy and email submissions of nomination materials for the Board Awards and Institute Awards are no longer accepted.

Nominations for the Institute and Board Awards shall be received no later than 11:59 pm Eastern time on February 15. Nominations will be acknowledged by AIChE's Awards Administrator via email and/or via the award nomination system.

Nomination packets shall consist of

a) a completed nomination form.

  • Nominator’s contact info
  • Candidate’s contact info, DOB, current work affiliation and job title
  • Candidate’s educational institutions, degrees, and dates
  • Candidate’s past employment with titles and dates
  • Candidates professional affiliations and roles held
  • Candidate’s key honors
  • Award citation (no more than 25 pertinent words)

b) a statement of the candidate’s qualifications for the award, limited to 800 words. Identification of the specific work on which the nomination is based and an evaluation and appraisal of the nominee's accomplishments, particularly the work to be recognized by the award in question, are of great importance.

c) a minimum of two and not more than four brief (two-page maximum) supporting letters from colleagues (peers) or former students that support the substance of the nomination [uploaded attachments in MS-Word or PDF format]. These letters should contain factual information not provided elsewhere in the nomination.

d) one optional attachment of ten pages or less — consisting of (for example) an abbreviated CV that highlights relevant publications, patents, important honors, and key accomplishments that are pertinent to the award in question [uploaded MS-Word or PDF document].

Institute or Board of Directors' Award nominations must be received by 11:59 p.m. EST on February 15.


Renomination of candidates is encouraged; nominations for Institute Awards are not extended automatically. It is highly recommended, but not required, that the contents of the nomination package and of the supporting letters be updated annually to be competitive; at minimum, however, the nomination form and supporting letters must have current dates. Nominations for Board of Directors' Awards remain active for three years without renomination.

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Division & Forum Awards Provisions, Eligibility, & Nominations

The following apply to all Division and Forum awards unless otherwise noted:

  • Awards are administered by each Division or Forum.
  • Nominations are reviewed and an awardee selected by a subcommittee of the Division or Forum.
  • Nominations must include a brief professional history of the nominee and specify how the nominee meets the criteria of the award.
  • Three to five supporting letters, citing specific contributions and the reasons for their value.
  • Submit an electronic copy of the nomination form and supporting materials to the designated Division/Forum Award Committee Chair.
  • Most awards are presented annually.
  • Division and Forum awards do not always require Division/Forum or AIChE membership.  Some awards do make membership a specific eligibility requirement so refer to the individual award description for details.
  • Awards are presented at a special session, luncheon or dinner meeting of the Division or Forum at one of AIChE's National conferences.
  • Award recognition appears in member publications, meeting program books, and/or website listings.

Division or Forum Award Nomination Form

Contact Awards Administrator

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Committee & Other Awards Provisions & Eligibility

The following apply to all Committee Awards unless otherwise noted:

  • Awards are administered by the Committees, with the cooperation of the AIChE Awards Administrator.
  • Awards are presented annually.
  • Nominations are reviewed and an awardee selected by a subcommittee of each Committee.
  • Nominees do not have to be AIChE members.
  • When appropriate, recognition is printed in AIChExchange and other publications.

Contact Awards Administrator

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