Michael Economides is a chemical and petroleum engineer and an expert on energy geopolitics. He is a professor at the Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston and managing partner of Dr. Michael J. Economides Consultants, Inc., where he works with a wide range of industrial consulting, including major retainers by several Fortune 500 companies and national oil companies. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Energy Tribune (www.energytribune.com), a newsletter in the energy and related industries and activities, and Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, published by Elsevier.
Technically, Michael casts a commanding figure in petroleum and natural gas reservoir and production engineering. With 15 textbooks and almost 300 journal papers and articles, his works are referenced by almost all practitioners in the field.
In the relatively recent past, he has served as Senior Technical Advisor to China’s CNOOC and subsidiary COSL, to ENI, Italy’s main petroleum multinational company and for more than 5 years to Yukos and Sibneft, Russia’s major petroleum companies. During 1997 and 1998, Economides was in Venezuela as the Senior Advisor on Production Technology for PDVSA, the national oil company of Venezuela.
Following his 2000 best seller, The Color Of Oil, and a large number of publications in international magazines, he is considered by many as the premier world expert on the geopolitics of energy, giving about 50 speeches per year to groups from many large professional societies, organizations and corporations. He is a frequent guest on national and international media. He writes for the editorial pages of major newspapers, magazines and internet news organizations.
His latest wide appeal books are From Soviet to Putin and Back: The Dominance of Energy in Today’s Russia (www.soviettoputin.com), Energy: China’s Choke Point, Energy and Climate Wars and The Energy Imperative.