Warren has over forty years of experience in the chemical industry in areas of production, process development, process engineering and process safety. Currently, he is President, WG Associates LLC. -providing consulting in technical Process Safety engineering and Process Safety Management. His past work experiences were with Dupont, Union Carbide, International Specialty Products and Ashland. He has been very active in both CCPS and the DIERS organizations and currently, he serves as a staff consultant for CCPS and is the Chair of the DIERS Program committee.
Some of the projects and work products that he has been a major contributor to include:
- 3rd Annual Symposium on Runaway Reactions, Featured Speaker
- “Pressure Relief Design and Effluent Handling”, CCPS Book, Committee member
- “Layer of Protection Analysis”, CCPS book, Committee member, Primary Author
- “Guidelines for Process Safety in Batch Reactions”, CCPS Book, Committee member
- “Guidelines for Pressure Relief Design-2nd edition”, CCPS Book, Committee member
- “Guidelines for Safe Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids”, CCPS Book, Committee member.
- “Guidelines for Auditing Process Safety Management Systems”2nd edition, CCPS Book, Committee member
- 2009 Fire Protection Research Association Symposium: Dust Recognition and Control: New Strategies, Panelist
- “A Probabilistic Approach to Dust Explosion Propagation Hazard Evaluations”- XISHPMIE-2014, Co-Author
- Guidelines for Combustible Dust Analysis-CCPS book, Committee member
Warren received his chemical engineering BCHE at the City College of New York, his MCHE from the University of Delaware and his MBA from Rutgers University. Warren is a professional engineer currently licensed in New Jersey. He is a CCPS Fellow and a CCPSC- Certified Process Safety Professional.