Project ID
Project Scope
CHEF is a compilation of simple methods, models, and techniques for performing a process safety analysis. Additionally, RAST is a software application that utilizes the methods and techniques described in CHEF to identify hazards and analyze process risk. These tools, donated to CCPS by The Dow Chemical Company, provide users with the capability to identify hazards (CHEF) and to perform risk screening tests with basic dispersion modeling on chemical releases (RAST).
The intent is to help smaller companies without extensive process safety experience or resources better understand the specific chemical hazards and risks associated with their facilities so that they can reduce their process safety risks. The chemical release scenario and consequence modeling in RAST is based on the modeling used in CHEF. The user will be able to model toxic, flammable, and explosion scenario releases with user-defined company risk tolerance guidance (i.e. the company’s risk matrix) and their site-specific chemicals and facility layouts. With the company-specific information, the facility can determine the relative risks and impacts on nearby personnel, the surrounding community, the environment, and property.
The Project 280 RAST team’s immediate goal is to test and validate the updated RAST tool and then to have both RAST and CHEF on the CCPS website for company download and use. Several activities that are currently underway to meet a first quarter 2018 “launch date” include extensive software testing on RAST and the development of RAST/CHEF User Manuals. The team is also developing and planning to hold a training workshop at the 2018 GCPS.