CCPS Technical Steering Committee | AIChE

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CCPS Technical Steering Committee

The Technical Steering Committee (TSC), chaired by the CCPS director, consists of one member from each CCPS member companies. The CCPS director appoints individuals nominated by the member companies, as well as individuals from academia, government agencies, and AIChE. The key functions of the TSC are to assist the CCPS director to:

  • Develop an overall multi-year program for CCPS;
  • Define the priorities for project selection;
  • Select specific projects for CCPS;
  • Define and reviewing the scope for these specific projects;
  • Suggest membership for the Project Subcommittees; and
  • Review the status of project programs and the budget performance.

The CCPS Technical Steering Committee meets at least two times a year.


See photos on Flickr.