The Experimental Study Of Explosion-Proof Property Of HAN Explosion Suppression Material | AIChE

The Experimental Study Of Explosion-Proof Property Of HAN Explosion Suppression Material


Yi, L. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum (Huadong)

Inflammable and explosive dangerous chemical accidents frequently occurred in recent years, and new HAN fire and explosion suppression materials have been developed with their good suppression to fire and explosion. When the containers filled with inflammable an explosive gas or liquid installed the HAN materials, the explosive accidents can be effectively avoided. The investigation into premixed flame transformation law of flame propagation and pressure wave in pipes installed porous materials of aluminum are great important for explosion suppression technique in pipe and design of flame arresters.

The experimental apparatus for suppressing the combustion and explosion of flammable gases were set up in the paper, and experimental investigations about premixed methane-air flame propagating and suppression with different volume of methane were done,and then analyzed the explosion suppression performance of porous materials of aluminum. The experiment studied the effects of the installing density, crevice rate and installing position of HAN material on flame propagation speed and explosion overpressure. Through combining the influence of each parameter on explosion suppression performance, the best cases of HAN explosion suppression material installation was presented.

Keywords: HAN explosion suppression material; explosion-proof property; flame propagation speed; explosion overpressure


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