Investigation On the Safety Performance of the Organic Insulation Materials | AIChE

Investigation On the Safety Performance of the Organic Insulation Materials

AbstractF The use of organic insulation materials in modern buildings has made a huge contribution to energy saving. However, due to the poor heat resistance of the insulation material, much heat and toxic fumes will release when burning, a serious threat to the safety of life and property, hence its shortcoming can’t be ignored. The calorific value of building materials is the important parameters to characterize the potential fire hazard of building materials and it’s also the essential basic data to calculate its combustion releases heat and fire load; non-combustibility test can determine whether the material directly contributes to fire. Furthermore, the cone calorimeter shows great advantage in measuring the combustion of materials in real fire. The methods mentioned above were used in this paper to study the typical building insulation materials in China, and further combustion performance analysis and proposal were made to give recommendations for improvement.

Keywords: organic insulation material, safety performance, oxygen bomb test, non- combustibility, cone calorimeter.


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