The Response To The Leak Accidents Of Long-Distance Natural Gas Pipeline | AIChE

The Response To The Leak Accidents Of Long-Distance Natural Gas Pipeline


Wang, C. - Presenter, China university of petroleum(east China)

The long-distance natural gas pipeline has characteristics of large diameter, long distance, high pressure and large amount of output. There is flammable, explosive, volatile gas in the pipeline. If pipeline leaked, it may lead to fire or explosion accident .So there are huge losses to people's lives and property, and prolonged negative effects to the public health and the environment. In this article, pipeline lifecycle was taken as the timeline of the accident causes. For each stage of the lifecycle, the hidden dangers of accidents and the counter measures were expounded in chronological order. Meanwhile, the causes of pipeline leak accident were supplemented, and more detailed security measures were formulated.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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