The Analysis about Corrosion and Corrosion Control Technologies of Pipelines | AIChE

The Analysis about Corrosion and Corrosion Control Technologies of Pipelines


Xi, Y. - Presenter, China university of petroleum
Fang, L. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum
Ya, G. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum
Li, Z. - Presenter, China University of Petroleum


        Abstract: Pipeline, as a reliable and economical infrastructure, plays a very important role in many industries like petrol, chemical and nuclear industries. Corrosion is the major indication of pipeline failure. Both internal and external corrosions are very effective in damaging pipelines. Thus, pipeline corrosion becomes a severe danger of the running pipeline system nowadays, which can lead to transported matter escapes, conduits ruptures and reduced lifetimes and all that. The disastrous consequences brought by these accidents are severe, such as economic loss and casualty as well as environment pollution. Therefore, controlling of pipeline control is very vital. To control pipeline corrosion successfully and prolong pipeline life effectively, this article separately introduces corrosion phenomena and corrosion mechanism in detail. After this, the needful prediction methods and detection techniques of the pipeline corrosion were presented, by which the reasons of the corrosion can be analyzed. In order to reduce the loss caused by corrosion, predicting the corrosion rate is very meaningful and significant. Besides, the detection techniques can also be applied to estimate and evaluate the corrosion control measures outcome, which make great contribution to future corrosion control. This paper proposes effective countermeasures concerning the corrosion control based on the corrosion mechanism, introduces internal corrosion control techniques such as natural gas desulphurization and dehydration, internal anticorrosion coating, corrosion inhibitor etc, and external corrosion inhibition measures such as anti-corrosive layer, catholic protection and connecting line etc.

         Key words: Pipeline; corrosion control; prediction model; detection techniques




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