The Idea of in-Service Oil (gas) Pipeline Segment Management Based on the 3D Technology
CCPS China Conference on Process Safety
2nd China Conference on Process Safety
General Program
Safety Management of Hazardous Chemicals Pipelines/Pipeline Leak Detection and Safety Warning Signs/Equipment Defect Detection and Evaluation
The Idea of In-service Oil (gas) Pipeline Segment Management
Based On the 3D Technology
Xu Ruogu Wang Chunyu
(Shandong Qilong Chemical Co., Ltd, Shandong Zibo
Abstract: Long distance oil (gas) pipeline has become an
important transportation facility for energy between countries. The
transmission medium leakage accident has caused great damage and adverse effect
to society. Corrosion is the main reason to the leakage of pipeline. However,
the nondestructive testing technology, the fault detection technology and the security evaluation technologies
for long pipeline have certain limitations. Building
a scene graph of pipeline based on 3D technology by using modern digital
technology, clearly marking all the villages, towns, factories, roads, bridges,
rivers, geology and buried pipeline and overhead pipeline situation within a
certain width range by this route, is not only convenient for daily safety
management, but also can help choose appropriate nondestructive testing
technology, fault detection technology and safety evaluation technology for
pipeline, and can provide support for emergency rescue. The application of 3D
technology provides a new idea for safety management of oil (gas) pipeline.
Keywords: 3D technology; oil pipeline; segment; management; idea