Introduction to API 570-Process Piping in-Service Inspection 美国石油学会API570:在用工艺管道检验标准简介 | AIChE

Introduction to API 570-Process Piping in-Service Inspection 美国石油学会API570:在用工艺管道检验标准简介

Abstract: This presentation gives the general introduction of API 570 for in-service process piping inspection. It involves in the aspects on the codes history, scope, responsibility, design and construction codes, inspection classification and interval,  damage mechanisms, RBI, FFS, etc. The main differences between Chinese process piping codes and API 570 is also discussed. The intended audiences will be inspectors, owner-users’ engineers, QA QC, maintenance, operation personnel and project management.

摘要:简介美国石油学会在用工艺管道定期检验规范API 570的主要内容:规范版本历史,范围,引用标准,职责,检验方案,类型,方法,周期,损伤模式,基于风险的检验和合乎使用评估。并与中国有关工艺管道的定期检验标准主要条款对照比较主要差异,供有关检验师,用户,工程师,质保,维护,运行和项目管理人员交流之参考。