The Study of Oil-Pipeline Vulnerability-Capability Assessment Index Based on Ism
CCPS China Conference on Process Safety
2nd China Conference on Process Safety
General Program
Pipeline Safety Standards/Safety Assessment Technology of Dangerous Chemicals Pipelines
The Study of Oil-Pipeline Vulnerability-Capability Assessment Index based on ISM
Shuang Chen1 Dongfeng Zhao2 Xue Jiang1
(1.China University of Petroleum Mechanic and Electronic Engineering, Qingdao Shandong Province, 266580;
2. China University of Petroleum College of Chemical Engineering Qingdao Shandong Province, 266580)
In recent years the accidents of oil and gas pipeline have occurred frequently, by research we can get the feature of oil and gas pipeline on public safety and production safety. For getting a comprehensive risk assessment on pipeline, we refer to Inter-American Development Bank(IADB) comprehensive evaluation index system of the vulnerability - capacity and KENT evaluation method to determine the suitable evaluation index elements for oil and gas pipeline’s vulnerability - ability, then combing the ISM(Interpretative Structural Modeling) analysis method we transferred the assessment indicators into matrix multiplication to get the pipeline’s vulnerability£capacity structure model. Using the vulnerability£capacity assessment system and the result of structure model ,we set up a new applicable assessment system which is made up of the whole indicator tree.
Key words:ISM analysis Vulnerability Capability Index
陈爽 赵东风 姜雪
(1.中国石油大学(华东)机电工程学院, 山东省 青岛市 266580;
2.中国石油大学(华东)化学工程学院, 山东省 青岛市 266580)
近年油气管道事故频发,分析事故原因可知油气管道具有公共安全和生产安全的双重特征,为更全面的对管道风险进行评估,本文借鉴国际上现行泛美开发银行IADB的脆弱性-能力综合评价指标体系以及KENT评价方法确定适宜油气管道的脆弱性-能力评价指标要素,并结合ISM(Interpretative Structural Modeling)分析方法,将指标要素间的关系转化为矩阵关系,通过矩阵的布尔运算确定油气管道的脆弱性-能力的结构模型。考虑评价指标体系决策应用,通过分析由结构模型转化为树形指标体系的要素,建立可应用的评价指标体系。
关键词:ISM分析 脆弱性 能力 指标